
Showing posts from August, 2021

Do You Trust Your Teenager to Shop for Groceries?

Today I sent my two teenage boys to the grocery store with my credit card and a short list of things to get. They came home with a couple of things that weren’t on the list but obviously felt we also needed. The big thing we were out of was lunch meat. The hour was quickly approaching lunchtime and even though I could list a number of options currently available in the house, all of which teenagers would agree sound incredibly delicious and satisfying, none of them would come to fruition powered by nothing more than the energy level of a high schooler in the last full week of summer vacation facing a quite manageable, yet still daunting, load of summer reading. These are sandwich days, and driving to the store to get lunch meat was more appealing than making something else, even though it would require more effort. Somehow, to them, it sounded easier. It would actually be the 17-year old’s first meal of the day because he spent the hours since 8:30 this morning stretching out across hi