
Showing posts from July, 2018

Mom's Away? I Got This. Day #2, 11/01/17

Day #2 - The boys and I have survived another day. In fact, I would say more than surviving, we’re actually thriving! The pillow cases full of candy that the boys managed to collect yesterday have allowed us to really power through a lot. The mantra around the house has become, “This candy isn’t going to eat itself!” I’m really impressed with how the boys have embraced this. Sure, the first crash was a little intense but they’ve learned to anticipate those and have been able to cut them off with another Kit Kat or two. One great discovery of the past two days is that for years we’ve been telling the kids, “You can’t stay up that late.” But it turns out, kids can actually stay up pretty late! Last night’s Game 6 of the World Series was no problem. I was a little nervous at the thought of them staying up past their bedtime but I felt the risk was worth it for America’s past time. They really had no interest in going to bed. You read it here first, kids, uncoaxed, will not fight the op

Mom's Away? I Got This. - Day #1, 10/31/17

Well the Men O’ McCullough have been left to fend for themselves for the next 4 days as Jenn has taken a well-deserved trip to warmer temps. While the thought of mid-70’s sun and care free days at Disney World sound pretty relaxing to most of us, I’m sure she’s feeling a little unsettled wondering if we’ll survive without her. But rest assured, we’re making out just fine. Granted, I did lose track of the kids from the time they left for this school this morning until about 8:30 this evening, but everything is ok. Turns out they were just walking about the streets of Milton, taking candy from strangers. They were a little hungry when they got home seeing that they hadn’t been fed dinner (dad oversight!) but fear not! The strangers in Milton were very generous and they filled up on plenty of candy. Much of which was chocolate and apparently made with milk, score! Other than mysteriously being out of toilet paper and eggs, which I know we had plenty of this morning, we’re doing just